Top reasons to be a flight attendant

How Life as a Reserve Flight Attendant Really Is

The life of a reserve flight attendant

I’m not even going to lie, life as a reserve flight attendant is tough! After finally passing training and thinking the hardship is behind you, guess again. Once you become active in the Flight Attendant community you are immediately swift off your feet to begin this new life that some people might think it’s crazy!

  1. Pack your bags.After graduating, you are awarded a base that you now must call home regardless if you live there or not. Now it depends on which airline you work for is where you will be based. You will usually get up to 5 days of moving to pack up your life and move cross country if that’s where you’re going. I for instance live in Orlando and had to move all the way to Phoenix. I only stayed for 6 months and eventually migrated to Philadelphia then finally to Charlotte where I stayed for good.
  2. Sleeping in a crashpad.What is a crashpad you say? Well, a crashpad is a term used by airline employees. It’s typically an apartment or house that you live in whenever you are in base waiting or reporting for your assigned trips. Don’t get too excited now. When you are at your crashpad, you are usually sharing a room with 3 other individuals. The best part is when there is only one bathroom for everyone. Please take a number.
  3. Different Time Zones.You’ll be doing a bit of traveling in different time zones. Often in my trips, I’ll go from east to west then east again. And yes, I do forget where I am when a passenger normally inquires on the time. Try to get into good habits by exercising regularly so your body won’t feel as fatigue.
  4. Typical 9 to 5.Being on reserve means not working a normal schedule. You are basically on call for either 12 or 24 hours during the day. When being awarded a trip, it’s random where you actually spend your layover for the night.

If these things don’t sound so bad then go for it I say! Besides the sacrifices, everyone that I’ve ever spoken to about flying will tell you that it’s in your blood. Once you have a taste for it, any typical 9 to 5 job will never be the same.

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